Extensions & Integrations

Expand Plasfy to the horizons with extra functionality, intergrations and features.

Stock Photos


Browse through over 5,000,000 stock images


Over 2.5 million+ high quality royalty-free stock images photos.


Pexels imagery is contributed by a growing community of over 100,000 photographers.

Icon Libraries


Searchable library with 300.000+ SVG Vectors and Icons

Noun Project

Over 3 million art-quality free icons to make any idea more memorable.


Millions of icons perfect for anything from onboarding, presentations to cookbooks.


Access millions of design resources directly inside the Plasfy editor.


Access to 7.1M+ PNG icons. The largest database of icons available.


Hundreds of illustrated concepts to make your designs more attractive

Import Your Own Media


Import images directly by connecting your Facebook account.


Import images directly by connecting your Instagram account.


Import images directly by connecting your Dropbox account.

Google Drive

Import images directly by connecting your Google Drive account.

YouTube Thumbnail

Extract the thumbnail image from any YouTube video URL in just one click.

Image URL & Clipboard

Take any image URL and import it directly or paste images from your clipboard.

Design Tools

Background Remover

Automagically remove image backgrounds using artificial intelligence.

Avatars Generator

Avatars Generator creates unique, AI-generated photos of a fictional persons

Drawing Tools

Annotate your designs with nine brush types and other shapes.

Blob Maker

Create organic blob shapes with the click of a button.

Wave Generator

Quickly create consistent looking wavy patterns.

Google Maps

Share locations by embedding a map in your designs.

Design Libraries


uiGradients is a community contributed collection of beautiful multi-color gradients.


Avatars library features hundreds of images of real people.

Google Fonts

Google Fonts is a library of 1,358 free licensed font families.


Humaaans is a mix-&-match illustrations of people with a design library.

Open Peeps

Open Peeps is a hand-drawn illustration library—a system of doodles.

Open Doodles

Open Doodles is a set of free sketchy illustrations.

Emojis Library

Add emojis seamlessly onto your designs.

Shapes Library

Access over 10,000+ customizable shapes.

Brand Logos Library

Search from thousands of company logos.


Mix & Match Avatars with a Sketch library.

Diversity Avatars

A set of inclusive avatars to use in your products, projects, or anywhere you want to.


3D illustrations of diverse hands gestures

Saly 3D Illustration Pack

Collection of high-quality 3D illustrations, hand-crafted and full of personalities.

Isometric Graphics

Isometric illustrations for designers, startups and companies.


Beautiful images for your client and personal design projects, without attribution

3D Bay

An assortment of high-quality 3D illustrations in a range of collections.


WebGradients is a features 180 linear gradients.

Font Awesome 6

Font Awesome is the most popular icon set and toolkit. It is used on millions of websites.

Want to add your own extensions?

Please contact us through our partners page to get in touch!