Apart from all of the basics that you are most likely familiar with from other tools, Plasfy has a lot of amazing features that are unique and not available in other tools:
- SVG Masks (shapes, icons, etc) - Place any pattern or image into an SVG file.
- Text Masks - Place any pattern or image into your text. (and you can still edit it)
- Advanced Resize Options (Orientation, Unitype, etc)
- Google Maps Integration
- Dropbox and Google Drive Integration
- QR Code Creator
- 50,000+ Cutout Stock Images
- 1,000+ Overlays
- Layers Manager
- Drawing Tools
- Blob Creator
- Gradient text, SVG, & backgrounds.
- Direct SVG Code support
- Rulers, Gridview, Bleedlines
- Advanced Download Options
- 80+ Shortcuts
- Mobile Compatible (beta)